Best Practices for Training ML & AI Models for Manufacturing
Model training is the process by which a machine learning program is trained to perform the specific task at hand. The goal is to achieve the best possible performance through model training, to the point where the end result can mimic human-level performance in its specific task, or even surpass it. AI training models are […]
How Automated Root Cause Analysis Can Help Electronics Manufacturers
Electronics manufacturers only remain profitable if they consistently produce high-quality products. Allowing for any issue to remain untreated will certainly cause issues in the immediate future, which can range from too many faulty units to a complete shutdown. Root cause analysis enables manufacturers to continue to produce quality products by empowering them with the tools […]
5 Tips to Help You Scale Manufacturing Operations
The decision to scale manufacturing operations should not be made without plenty of consideration. It’s always tempting to grow and expand the organization, but doing it improperly can risk the entire company. Learning how to scale production is not a simple task. There is much that needs to be considered before undertaking this initiative, and […]
Digital Factory at Scale: How Smart Manufacturing Is Evolving
Digital factories are helping companies in many industries transform their businesses. While there are many ways to digitally transform a business, digital factories have become one of the best ways to transform a business. Companies that make use of digital factories are reaping some phenomenal rewards. Products are being brought to market faster, more is […]
Manufacturing Intelligence Benefits in Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturers in the field of electronics are always looking for ways to reduce faulty units and increase throughput. The more efficient their facilities, the more profit that can be made, and the fewer materials are wasted. The race for ultimate efficiency has led to the creation of a relatively new field known as manufacturing intelligence. […]
Downtime in Manufacturing: The True Cost of Lost Production
Downtime in manufacturing represents a significant loss for the industry. While many manufacturers consider this a cost of doing business, lost production doesn’t have to be a fact of life. Instead, steps can be taken to minimize the amount of downtime in your facility. It’s estimated that the average manufacturer deals with more than 15 hours […]
If AI for manufacturing is so great, why do most companies struggle to extract value out of it
Numerous AI techniques are being used as part of the ongoing Industry 4.0 revolution. Everything from applying new capabilities, such as predictive maintenance, improved supply chain management, predictive analytics, and more. In predictive analytics, a production line can use different classification algorithms to detect—and even predict—which unit is likely to fail at the end-of-line (EOL) tester before it […]
How AI and ML Are Used in Electronics Manufacturing
Electronics manufacturing is known for its focus on precision and efficiency. A single mistake can create a faulty unit, and a faulty unit represents a loss. The rise of Industry 4.0 has revolutionized production lines across the world. Today, the focus is on big data, and using that big data to generate actionable insights that […]
Root Cause Analysis Examples in Electronics Manufacturers
Electronics manufacturing is a complex process, and even some of the most experienced businesses sometimes have to deal with flaws in production. Whether it’s a failed capacitor or even just a build quality issue, what can you do to minimize the number of mistakes in the manufacturing process? Flawed batches are a waste of time […]
Top Quality Control Methods in Electronics Manufacturing
The term “quality control” (QC) shows up in a variety of industries, from software design to food safety. It’s incredibly impactful in electronics manufacturing as well, where mistakes are easy to make and costly to fix. What is quality control, and why is it important? What are some quality control methods to achieve it? You […]